YoTeCuido is a very easy to use app designed to resolve the doubts and questions that many caregivers face and Alzheimer affected in their daily lives.
By Lapisoft in collaboration with the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer Coruna (AFACO), its contents are based on the experience of caregivers and family members as well as patients and professional caregivers.
In YoTeCuido you find plenty of practical information told simply, organized into the following sections:
To understand Alzheimer's: general information about the disease and a section in which you will see phase to phase symptoms and recommended specific care.
-Dudas On: divided by thematic areas (food, health, nursing, communication, legal and social resources ...), this section will find answers to many of the questions and situations that you face every day.
-Rutinas: It includes physical routines (stretching) adapted to each of the phases and cognitively stimulating activities you can do daily at home.
-Resources: Find the Association of Relatives nearest you (for communities), variety of manuals and books related to Alzheimer's disease and a glossary of the most common terms.
-Cuidador: Specific section for caregivers, it provides answers related to their work, stretching exercises designed for them and a series of tips for the caregiver also care.
-Contact: If you still have outstanding questions or situations that do not know how to deal with, you can send through this section. Besides answer, your question will be incorporated into the app so you can help others.
To speed up the query, the app has a search engine from which you can find exactly the information you need.